The Good Growth Principles are an integral part of the Shared Prosperity Fund application and subsequent project scoring process and evidencing a strong understanding of them is likely to place candidates in a stronger position and create lasting impact for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. At the heart of the principles is a desire to encourage projects to move beyond best practice and prioritise consideration on the wider impacts their projects will have on society and the environment.
Click + to view support resources
BE1: Increase % of workforce earning Real Living Wage
All organisations receiving SPF funding must pay all employees the Real Living Wage or be committed to implementing the Real Living Wage by the end of their project/the programme. All jobs created through the SPF Programme and claimed as an output must be paid the Real Living Wage. Through delivery of the programme this will increase the % of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly workforce earning the Real Living Wage.
BE2: Improve productivity for Businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Business productivity in Cornwall is below the national average, the vision for SPF is that all projects will contribute to improving our current baseline. Consider how your project will contribute to this vision:
- For single business applicants consider how your project will make your business more efficient, for example by increasing turnover, reducing manufacturing times, investing in your workforce e.g. through training and development. Where possible please provide a numerical measure; a simple input over output calculation is sufficient.
- For larger projects supporting multiple businesses explain what improvement your project will have at sector level.
Office for National Statistics Productivity Calculator articles/howproductiveisyourbusiness/2018-07-06
BE3: Contribute positively to local economy, environment and equality through purchasing/procurement.
It is intended that the benefits of SPF should spread further than just the project itself. Through purchasing and procurement activity there is an opportunity to have a wider impact on Good Growth for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Does your project procurement support other local businesses, support nature recovery by avoiding purchasing damaging products, has resource efficiency featured in discussions with your suppliers. How have you built circular thinking and CO2 emissions into purchasing and procurement?
See action plan from Another Way >
C1: Reduction in CO2 emissions
Has your organisation considered its impact on climate change and looked at ways in which you can support a reduction in CO2 emissions through this project to address Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030.
You could consider;
• Energy demand reduction, energy efficiency and low carbon energy sources (especially opportunities for onsite renewable generation e.g., solar and wind), renewable fuel types, lighting options (LED / movement sensitive), build specifications that go beyond the standard levels e.g., insulation.
• Provision of infrastructure, e.g., EV charging points or building performance monitoring equipment.
• Travel planning to reduce the number of vehicle movements.
• Training / raising awareness amongst staff, participants or beneficiaries about how they can reduce their carbon footprint.
• Consider opportunities for mitigation of negative practices where possible to work towards delivering net zero.
What is Net Zero:
SME Climate Hub Calculator:
Carbon Trust:
The MacKay Carbon Calculator allows you to explore pathways to decarbonisation
Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive
Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation – working to address the climate emergency. They provide insight, advice, training and consultancy services to businesses on energy efficiency, low carbon transport, and renewable energy generation.
Business energy efficiency tips:
Energy efficiency resources from National Grid
We encourage all applicants to develop capital build projects in line with the Good Growth vision. All organisations proposing capital builds should consider their construction methods and materials, heat and power generation and storage options, transport connections and contribution to biodiversity net gain. The following resources provide valuable guidance:
• Climate Emergency Development Plan Document (DPD) - encourages better development that uses less energy. Developing buildings that survive future climate change and that help protect the planet. This document is currently being reviewed by the Planning Inspectorate.
• BREEAM Standard - : How BREEAM Works - BRE Group
• RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide (
• UKGBC Advancing Net Zero Framework
C2: Circularity – reduction in use of virgin raw materials. Recycle reuse principles.
In designing your project how have you considered circular thinking. This could include:
- Reducing waste, consider zero landfill policies, onsite composters;
- Improved resource efficiency, utilising recycled / reuse principles, reduction in use of virgin raw materials;
- Reducing food waste;
- Training of staff;
- How is resource efficiency communicated to your customers. What channels do you give them to improve their own resource efficiency e.g., compostable / recycled packaging.
What is the circular Economy:
EQ1: Invest in projects that encourage a healthy lifestyle
Have you looked at ways in which your project could encourage and create healthy lifestyle choices for communities and individuals. This could include:
- Access to green and blue space;
- Healthy food;
- Healthy workplace initiatives;
- Provision of health and wellbeing training;
- Active leisure;
- Active travel;
- Social prescribing. health-interventions-employer-toolkit resources-and-support/
EQ2: Reduce gender pay gap
Provide evidence of the current gender pay gap in your organisation provides an online calculator. Has your organisation taken any actions to balance the gender pay gap and what impact may your project have. based_actions_for_employers.pdf
EQ4 Maximising opportunities for people with disability and ill health (inc mental health)
Has your business made any adjustments to facilitate the recruitment and / or retention of individuals who have disclosed a disability and / or long-term health condition. This may include issues around mental health or SEND particularly spectrum disorders or dyslexia.
What changes have you implemented to make your organisation more inclusive, or to attract and retain a more diverse workforce? E.g., Changes in recruitment practices, new policies around health and wellbeing, flexi working, maternity and family friendly provision etc.
EQ5 Maximise work based opportunities for those with SEND particularly relating to spectrum disorders and dyslexia
Job support -
Financial support –
Guidance for employers
Other resources –
EQ6: Support for the ageing population to remain economically active & EQ7 Support Young (under 30) entrepreneurs
Have you considered how your project could support the aging population to remain economically active or support the young to become economically active. Will your project support young entrepreneurs and assist individuals with complex barriers to employment?
EQ7 Support young (under 30) entrepreneurs
BIF285 - Starting a Business While Under 18 – Cobweb Business Information Factsheet
Prince’s Trust – Support for Starting a business – Supporting 18 to 30 year olds living in the UK with starting their business
Register at:
Business resources at:
British Business Bank – Support and Funding for Young Entrepreneurs
British Business Bank – Learn with Start up Loans – Free courses from the Open University to help entrepreneurs learn business skills – from book keeping to marketing, including a “Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality” course
British Business Bank – Start up Loan Scheme – unsecured loans from £500 to £25,000 with free mentor support
Free business planning, cash flow and personal survival budget templates -
EQ9 Increased capacity and place-based leadership in communities
Community Networks – Info on local (council led) community networks and their contacts
National Locality is the national membership network supporting local community organisations to be strong and successful - they provide specialist advice, peer learning and resources to local community organisations – they also have a useful guide to engaging with the community to ensure plans reflect needs of the community How to hold effective public engagement (UK Research & Innovation) Lots of useful resources on Community Engagement - although geared towards mental health – an interesting and useful guide to community consultation events Best practices for writing good survey and poll questions
EQ10 Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not (Equality Act 2010)
All projects should ensure equality of opportunity and should not prejudice anyone. How are you ensuring that is the case in your project. Below are some links to sites which can provide further information. guidance?who=organisation
EQ11 Assist individuals with complex barriers to employment to access opportunities
Resources coming soon....
G1: Nature Recovery
How does your organisation consider its impact on the natural environment and the ways in which you can support nature recovery through this project. If your project involves development, then ensure that you build with nature in mind by integrating nature, including through green infrastructure, sustainable drainage and wildlife friendly features, e.g.:
- Protect and create natural functioning habitats to generate biodiversity gain;
- Provide wildlife corridors (green and blue) to allow wildlife movements;
- Blurred boundary design to patchwork habitats.
If your project involves use of a building or land that is not being developed, still consider how you could enhance it to be more nature-friendly through:
- Installing creature features e.g., bird or bat boxes, insect hotels or bee bricks;
- Creating wildflower meadows;
- Creating a wildlife pond;
- Nature-friendly lighting;
- Pollinator-friendly mowing regimes;
- Appropriate tree planting;
- Stopping the use of artificial pesticides and/or wider land-management improvements.
Your application might include surveys and management plan development for your enterprise premises. Wildlife Trust guide
Useful Links: on-how-the-scheme-will-work/local-nature-recovery-more-information-on-how-the- scheme-will-work
Environmental Growth Strategy for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
A long-term framework, not just to conserve the environment, but to expand natural habitats.
Cornwall Isles of Scilly Local Nature Partnership and take the Pledge for Nature.
G2 Attracting private sector green finance income to Cornwall
Resources coming soon...
Contribute to the Environmental Growth Strategy for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Environmental Growth Strategy provides a long-term framework, not just to conserve the environment, but to expand natural habitats. There are 10 pillars for action to provide a foundation for a green recovery, does your project impact positively on any of these 10 pillars? Full details on the CIOS Environmental Growth Strategy can be found here: CIOS Environmental Growth Strategy
- Nature recovery, regeneration and carefully managed and appropriate reintroductions;
- Natural climate solutions;
- Clean air;
- Clean water;
- Marine health;
- Waste and resources;
- Economic and social wellbeing. Green jobs, social prescribing;
- Access to nature;
- Sustainable Food;
- Governance, Leadership and Community.
Businesses and other organisations account for around 30% of Cornwall’s carbon emissions. Find resources from Cornwall Council on how you can reduce your impact.
30 Steps to an Another Way Business’ is a free certification and a set of structured guidelines to help businesses become more environmentally sustainable.