Mid Life MOT

Helping employers to support their workforce, with a particular focus on older workers.

Image of people, one near up arrows, one near cogs and one riding a bike

As the UK workforce gets older it is vital for employers that their employees in their 40s and 50s have the tools and confidence to manage their finances, skills, and health. A considerable proportion of Devon and Cornwall's workforce will not be prepared well enough for their future and could improve their financial, work and wellbeing outcomes. 

To address these challenges, the Department for Work & Pensions is funding a 2-year pilot programme in Devon and Cornwall which started in June 2023.

This initiative, called the Midlife MOT, is designed to support employees aged 44-56 by focusing on three core areas: Wealth, Work and Wellbeing.

Wealth:   Includes detailed financial and pension guidance, coupled with a support for retirement planning and goal-setting.

Work:  Providing career and skills guidance, advice on workplace adjustments and strategies for continuous learning and upskilling.

Wellbeing:   Support includes wellbeing guidance, advice on lifestyle/ home factors and sign posting to relevant health services.

Capita, in partnership with Switch Lifestyles is applying its expertise in Pension Solutions to deliver this Midlife MOT programme. Our goal is to encourage employees to make the most of their career potential and strategically plan for their later life. This involves a blend of technology-enabled learning, group workshops, and personalised virtual 121 sessions.

We are committed to working collaboratively with employers to ensure the programme is seamlessly integrated into their existing operations and aligns with their unique business needs, offering flexible solutions as needed.


Find out how to empower your employees here https://midlifemotapp.co.uk/ or email us on [email protected]

Or visit the website: https://content.capita.com/Midlife_MOT_Home