Website & Copyright Disclaimer
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Hub (CIOS Growth Hub) makes every effort to ensure that information contained in these pages is accurate. No liability is accepted arising from reliance upon information contained in these pages or any other information accessed via this site. CIOS Growth Hub is not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing shall not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of linked pages. Any opinion expressed on this website by a Growth Hub user is not necessarily reflective of the Growth Hub service and should not be taken as such.
Business Directory
Any business registered on the CIOS Growth Hub may have a free business listing and as such businesses listed in the Business Directory are self-selecting. Their inclusion in the Business Directory should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation of any kind and therefore we would always advise you to independently verify that they meet with your needs and that you seek suitable references, if required. Entries are moderated for tone and language but content is generated by the individual businesses. Businesses are also responsible for the accuracy of their entry and for keeping it up to date. If you have any concerns, please contact us via [email protected].
Copyright and Trademark Information Text
Wherever text has been gathered and included in these pages by CIOS Growth Hub, the project has no objection to the use of that text for the purposes of any personal or educational use or private research. Any use of the text in these pages for any commercial purposes, however, is not authorised unless a licence is first obtained from CIOS Growth Hub (apply to [email protected]).
Blogs and other Third Party Content
Wherever text or other content has been contributed by other persons/organisation and included in these pages by CIOS Growth Hub, the Copyright remains with the contributor. Any use of the text or content in these pages for any commercial purposes, however, is not authorised unless a licence is first obtained from the contributor. Any opinion expressed on this website by a third party contributor is not necessarily reflective of the Growth Hub service and should not be taken as such or as an endorsement of any kind.
Photographs, Videos and Vox Pops
Copyright in all photographs, videos and vox pops displayed on this website is owned by Cornwall Development Company and/or the photographer/originator and these photos may not be used unless a licence is first obtained from CIOS Growth Hub (apply to [email protected]).
Icons and Artwork
All icons and artwork and other graphical images within the website are ©Copyright Cornwall Council unless otherwise stated, under Section 17 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
CIOS Growth Hub owns the copyright in its logotypes and all other promotional logos. Unauthorised use of these by others is prohibited.
Additional information available from the United Kingdom’s Copyright Licensing Agency ( or International Federation of Reproductions Rights Organisations (