How we've helped Bimble and Wander

Skills Hub case study

Business overview

Photographer Stuart Opie pushes boundaries with challenging lighting environments to create beautiful wedding portfolios and commercial photography.

My experience with the Growth and Skills Hub has been splendid, the team are inspiring, knowledgeable, and keen to point you in the right direction whichever point you’re at within your business. I found their recommendations thoroughly helpful within my skills and business reviews with Ian and Kelly. I found the information given to provide a great foundation for my new business to be built on and steer me in the right direction for attaining new knowledge in the future.

Stuart Opie

How we helped

Stuart had not long started his business when he was recommended to speak to the Growth Hub to see what support he could access to help grow his clientele.

He currently offers services to three sectors, weddings, commercial photography and photography for holiday accommodation providers to use in their online promotional material.

Stuart’s Business Review with the Growth Hub Connector helped him to discover support for start-up businesses, and also uncovered a need to improve his digital marketing skills to really help master his social media channels for maximum reach to potential clients.

‘When you run your own business, you think you know everything about it buts peaking to the Growth & Skills Hub gave me another perspective and helped me to realise where I needed the skills to improve how I do things.’

Skills Connector Ian helped with a free Skills Review. Stuart was referred to Digital Peninsula Network to be signed up to their Instagram training which has helped to clear up any gaps in Stuart’s knowledge with using the platform. Stuart has also registered his interest for other digital marketing courses they will be running in future.

‘I was referred over to the Skills Hub to look into what training could assist me with improving my skills with Instagram. I’ve been using Instagram for a while but wanted to make sure Linktree worked and my bio was up to scratch. How their advertising works has always been a mystery, the training with DPN has been a big help with this.’

Stuart Opie| Bimble & Wander Photography| Cornwall



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The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Skills Hub from October 2017 - June 2023 was part funded by the European Social Fund and match funded by Cornwall Council and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership. The project received £2,885,993 of funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.

Business name Bimble and Wander
Contact email [email protected]
M=Bimble & Wander Photography, Cornwall