How we've helped Premier Water Solutions 10 Ltd

Growth & Skills Hub case study

Business overview

A successful one-stop shop, offering a complete package of waste water solutions.

The support that I received from the Growth and Skills Hub was absolutely amazing.


How we helped

Fourteen years ago, Premier Water Solutions Ltd. was predominantly a consultancy company, specialising in flood risk assessment, drainage and surface water design and sustainable drainage systems.

After introducing pre-purchase septic tank surveys, an increasing number of clients were asking whether Premier Water Solutions Ltd. could handle the installation of the units as well.

Following that growing demand, the company began taking on installations, waste water treatments and property flood resilience work. Fast forward to now and in the space of just a few years, the company has become a one-stop shop offering a complete package of water solutions.

“We've really changed from a consultancy only to a consultancy, contracting and maintenance company,” said Louisa Inch, managing director of Premier Water Solutions Ltd.

“So, what we're actually doing is absolutely changing how we look at wastewater treatment.”

The company has recently partnered with Lappa Valley on a large project where they were asked to give their expert advice on waste water treatment.

“We were given the engineer’s drawings and straight away we could see that we could actually make some improvements to what was already agreed,” said Louisa. This included a bigger rainwater recycling system, a grease track, and a waste water treatment plant among other things.

“We were so excited to be involved with the project because it’s a world-class engineered building,” said Louisa.

As Premier Water Solutions Ltd. was entering a major growth phase, Louisa contacted Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth and Skills Hub for help.

“The support that I received from the Growth and Skills Hub was absolutely amazing,” said Louisa.

“We established that we were a bit top heavy in terms of our age and experience. We identified that we really needed to look at bringing in younger people and that’s one of the things that we feel quite passionate about, that we are a Cornish-based company, and we do want to offer a career for younger Cornish people,” explained Louisa.

The Growth and Skills Hub put Premier Water Solutions Ltd. in touch with two Cornish education providers to set up apprenticeship opportunities with the company. This was in addition to providing training opportunities for existing employees- a way to bring in new, young talent and to upskill existing members of staff.

The company are also undergoing a digitalisation and modernising the way they look at the maintenance of water treatment tanks. They’re going to use sensors which connect to a dashboard to monitor water quality and mechanical failures straight to the computer.

“We are going to change from a reactive company to a proactive one,” said Louisa.

With the company’s work largely governed by climate change and protecting the environment, it is going to be looking closely at delivering property flood resilience for both statutory authorities and individual homeowners in the future.

“We’ve won 36 awards in total so far. It’s just been really great to see how the company has grown,” said Louisa.

“As business owners, we're very good at what we do within our business. But when it actually comes to growing the business and looking at future skillsets we require, that's where we need that additional support.”

“I would really recommend the Growth and Skills Hub for any business that is looking at trying to identify what their existing skills or needs are now and what your need will be when you're looking at future growth, for any business within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.”




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The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub from May 2016 -  June 2023 was part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and match funded by Cornwall Council, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership.  The project received £2,848,591.49 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. 

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Skills Hub from October 2017 - June 2023 was part funded by the European Social Fund and match funded by Cornwall Council and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership. The project  received £2,885,993 of funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.

Business name Premier Water Solutions 10 Ltd
Contact number 07780 950824
Contact email [email protected]
premier water solutions logo