How we've helped Cornwall Vacuum Services Ltd

Skills Hub case study

Business overview

CVS specialise in the supply, service and repair of all types of floor cleaning equipment.

After getting nowhere on our own and a lot of trying to find help with apprenticeships with colleges and training providers, the Skills Hub were able to make sense of it all and put us in touch with the apprenticeship providers that we needed to be speaking to.

Kevin Cocks

How we helped



CVS specialise in the supply, service and repair of all types of floor cleaning equipment, from small tub vacuums to large scrubber driers, sweepers, steam machines and pressure washers.  With over 30 years experience in the floor care sector CVS has built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise helping businesses across the South West find the right solutions for their floor cleaning needs.

Kevin from Cornwall Vacuum Services met some of the Skills Hub team at a tradeshow in Wadebridge in March 2022, they had a chat about how he had been trying to take on an apprentice and that he’d been in touch with a couple of the local colleges about this but the process seemed to go on forever and Kevin was getting nowhere.

The Skills Hub team got in touch after the trade show and Kevin was booked in for a skills review meeting with Connector Ian. With Ian’s help CVS were introduced to Cornwall Marine Network for support with an Engineering apprenticeship.

The development of new engineering talent is really important to the success of any business.  At CVS, they recognise this and now they have been able to expand their team to welcome Charley Penny.  Charley has taken on the position of Apprentice Service Engineer.

Charley said;

“I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to gain my Level 2 Engineering qualification whilst learning with on-the-job training as part of the CVS team.  To start with I will be mainly based in our workshop while I develop my basic skills in servicing and repairing equipment.  I am looking forward to expanding  my knowledge and experience and having the opportunity of traveling throughout Cornwall and Devon’.





funders logos




The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Skills Hub from October 2017 - June 2023 was part funded by the European Social Fund and match funded by Cornwall Council and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership. The project  received £2,885,993 of funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.

Business name Cornwall Vacuum Services Ltd
Contact number 01726 851333
Contact email [email protected]
Cornwall Vacuum Services